Product Details for Material from Spansion - MB9AF421KPMC-G-JNE2 - Architecture:ARM Cortex-M3

MB9AF421KPMC-G-JNE2 Spansion Architecture:ARM Cortex-M3

Part Nnumber
Architecture:ARM Cortex-M3
Basic price
3,61 EUR

The product with part number MB9AF421KPMC-G-JNE2 (Architecture:ARM Cortex-M3) is from company Spansion and distributed with basic unit price 3,61 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 250 pc, Approx. production time is 54 weeks, Weight is 0 Kg, Custom Tariff 85423190, Origin Japan.

MSL: MSL 3 - 168 hours SVHC: No SVHC (16-Jun-2014)

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